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Sick Babe

My main gal, Kenzie, came down with the flu yesterday while at preschool. Together, we set up sick bed in my bedroom due to the close proximity of the toilet and the television set. While I laid next to her, it occurred to me that coming down with the flu while pregnant would like. totally. suck. And, then - my neighbor had a tutu emergency for a photo shoot with her three girls. She needed a black tutu with zebra stripes in two hours. So, pronto!!, I moved into my studio room which is a separate room attached to our master bedroom.

How conducive to being productive!!! My shop is fairly stocked with tutus & tails. Artwork should be forthcoming if the flu manages to avoid me. I'm still in my pajamas and my hygiene isn't so good - but I feel quite accomplished. I've printed tags! I've finished a few little (tiny) thank you gifts owed to some bloggers! My studio is tidier! Kenzie did some sewing! We did some art together! I've blogged!

And, my babe appears to be on the mend - minus a lot of coughing which is ruining her nap at the moment.

My new favorite tutus:

And, now I'd best hit the shower.

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Blogger LA said...

Sounds like a good day to me! SOmetimes you need to slow for something like the flu to get things done. Weird, eh?

Love the new Christmas tutus. I'm into the bright pinks and lime greens this year. Or aqua and red?

Cheers! LA

11:15 AM  
Blogger Shena Leonard said...

Hi Kenzie -
I hope you get all better soon - I was sick this week too. But I got to go to preschool today and we decorated Bs with band-aids and buttons, adn I thought of another B word "Boo Boo." And we made Little Red Hen buns with cinnamon and sugar adn we ate them for our snacks. I'm going to Nenny and Nonn's now so I can do construction this weekend. Bye!
Riley BoBo

- Mommy's e-mail doesn't work this week and Daddy can't fix it yet so Mommy said I could e-mail you on your blog.


8:29 PM  

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